What is ROSACEA?

Rosacea Moore Clinical Research

Rosacea affects an estimated 16 million Americans. You are not alone, Rosacea is a relatively common, chronic skin disorder and often times people that have it, don’t realize what they have is actually Rosacea.

If you have Rosacea, chances are high that you have a family member who has it too. It usually occurs in adults over 30 years of age. All skin types can get it, but people with fair skin are more likely to have Rosacea.


Rosacea Symptoms

  • patchy flushing (redness), particularly on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin
  • small broken blood vessels on the face
  • bumps or pimples on the face
  • watery or irritated eyes


Rosacea Triggers

  • Exactly what causes Rosacea is unknown; however, it tends to be a combination of environmental, physical and emotional triggers that cause flare ups.
  • Exposure to temperature extremes
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Heat from sunlight
  • Severe sunburn
  • Stress, anxiety
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine (especially, hot tea and coffee)
  • Spicy food
  • Make up

Have You Tried a Clinical Trial?

Clinical trials are a great option for Rosacea sufferers, the physicians at MOORE Clinical Research are looking for solutions and are conducting clinical trials in Rosacea right now and throughout the year. We are currently enrolling patients for Rosacea trials in Tampa and Brandon. Click this link to sign up or call 813-948-7550 for more information.