Stronger Together

At MOORE Clinical Research, Inc (MCR), we are on a continuous journey of striving for progress. It is well known that research sites have always been siloed and collaboration between sites is virtually non-existent. We found ourselves asking “Why?”. The beauty of being a research site is the ability to be agents of change. Our influence as a collective can reshape how the industry develops trials and how Sponsors interact with sites.

For example, the days of research sites being paid on a quarterly basis or per monitoring visit are almost extinct. Why? Because sites made a commitment to not accept trials that pay in this archaic fashion. High quality sites coming together in an open collaboration provides improvement in efficiencies in an industry that has been stagnant in its acceptance of modern processes.

For MCR, this level of collaboration was one of the priority factors in our decision to join hyperCORE International. Being able to have open and honest discussions with other high-quality sites is an invaluable opportunity that allows each member site to have a finger on the pulse of the research industry.

hyperCORE is a collaborative organization composed of individual member sites across North and Central America with over 100 sites. In a way, they are like an SMO in that there is collaboration between the sites, but it differs in that the individual sites are individually owned and operated. With centralized BD, all sites are able to come together on feasibility for potential trials.

By coming together, we are able to improve efficiencies, reduce barriers, shorten timelines, and provide a level of standardization that Sponsors/CRO’s dream about having in their trials. By being Together, Everyone Achieves More (TEAM).