MOORE Clinical Research & COVID 19

To our current and future patients:

We wanted to let you all know that during this time of uncertainty, you can count on MOORE Clinical Research to do all that we can to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of our staff. We are not permitted to enroll for new studies at this time, however all 3 of our clinics are open for patients who already had scheduled appointments.

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, we have changed the way we’re conducting study visits. We’re cleaning every inch of our clinics before and after each patient and again at the end of every day and our staff is wearing masks and gloves to further ensure your safety. If you have an appointment you can be assured that we’re doing everything we can to make sure you and our staff are safe, by following these guidelines:

  •   Only 1-2 appointments are made each 30 minutes to reduce the number of patients in the office.
  •   You will not come in contact with any other patient, just the clinical staff attending to you.
  •   Only the patient is allowed in the office, for minors one parent is allowed to accompany them.
  •  When you arrive, knock or ring the bell, we’ll meet you at the door, check your temperature and ask a few questions. 
  •    If your temperature is abnormal, you won’t be allowed to enter the clinic and will need to reschedule your appointment.
  •  If you do not have a fever and are feeling well, we will escort you directly to an exam room, your visit will be expedited as quickly as possible and you will be on your way. 

We will continue to track COVID-19 updates and directives from federal and state officials and will follow all advisories.

We thank you for your understanding of the changes we are making. If you do not wish to come into the clinic, please call us prior to your appointment to make other arrangements. We are here for you!

Call us anytime at 813-948-7550